Wednesday, January 26, 2011

a wise man once said....

Today, a very interesting question came to topic between a friend and I.  He asked me if I had hit "a mid-life crisis yet."  Not surprisingly, as I re evaluated my life in 2 seconds, I admitted I had.  He tried the comforting route, saying that I am alive and healthy and that is what is important.  I started to describe some of the issues in my life, and he quickly interrupted me saying:

"Life isn't all unicorns and rainbows Rose."

Well no effing SHIT sherlock, lol.

I know he is right.  It's just sometimes annoying to hear and face.  I think that this is something people should think about daily.  I slightly made fun of him for giving such dull life advise, especially because he bragged about using this line quite often to his "lady friends".  I just poked fun because he called them "lady friends". 

 Truthfully, this is a very straight forward and useful bit of life advise.  Remember how I said I envied my family and friends in Seattle because most of them don't sweat the little things?  Well when my friend relayed this line to me, I felt a slight twitch run through my body.  
I somehow forgot the new way I wanted to live. 
The LA lifestyle may be one that is quick and passes you by, but I figure if you take a slightly different approach to life, it may not be as fast as it seems.  You may be able to dodge some of the life that keeps running you down.

Life is always going to be rough, and you'll always like the rainbows and unicorns part.....
But it will always include the broken hearts, the family feuds, the lonely nights, the backstabbing friends, the horrible job, and the COMPLETE and ANNOYING feeling of failure...

Don't sweat it, just duck out for a few minutes until it passes, the good always follows the bad.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"everything will be okay...."

What an effing statement.

Not that it isn't true, because usually everything always turns out for the better.  But admit it, when things just aren't going the right direction in your life, it is probably the LAST thing you want to hear come out of anyone's mouth.  And although it may be true eventually, it is completely annoying to hear as tears run down your face.  

When life hit the fan for me last week, i sort of wanted to kill everyone that said it to me.  It irked me to keep hearing things that seemed so far fetched.  So why does it seem like it is appropriate?  Think about it, when other people are feeling down, you almost always feel inclined to say it.  My best friend came over in tears yesterday, and the only think I could think of to tell her was "don't worry babe.... everything will be okay." WTF are you thinking Rose.  Just kill yourself, right now, honestly.  

The fact of the matter is, at that moment of despair and hurt, the only thing you can think about, is how life just mind effed you. So no matter how helpful or appropriate it may seem, telling someone that everything will be okay should not come out of your mouth.  Tell them the truth.  Life is a bitch, and she will eff you over just as quickly as the next person in her way.  

I don't mean to sound like a bitter bitch....  because despite all the disappointment in life, I do know that there is always sunshine after the rain.  I just wish that people would stop trying to pretend life is a fairy tale.  Disney movies taught us all to believe that life has happy endings, and that all girls are princesses.  But Disney was more wrong than ever.

Life is a bitch, so you better know how to treat her....

Because once you start treating her right, you'll see things a lot more clear...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Drake, I love you a little less..... cuz of this.... A LITTLE...

THIS had me DYING of laughter.  I don't know who this Charlamagne is, but he is effing hilarious.

God knows I love drake, but this picture was bad... "another tax bracket".  LMFAO

Drake must be real sensitive.....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

PatRon over Mary Jane .....

Never once in my life have I been a Mary Jane hater.  I actually have very positive thoughts when it comes to Marijuana.  Now is it for me?  Negative.  I don't think it's healthy for me to be so paranoid, nor for me to have so many thoughts running through my head at one time.  But I will say, that Mary J can do you wonders on special occasions.

I have always had a positive look on her because: I don't categorize her as a drug, merely a plant... I don't think she is addictive, unless you have an addictive personality..... I don't think she takes an effect on your life, unless you spend an excess amount of time with her.... and lastly, I don't think she is always an ambition stealer, because I know plenty of people that smoked their way through high school and college, and even a guy that smoked his way through law school.  
NOW DON'T MISINTERPRET, not everyone can do that, because Mary Jane has a tendancy to make you sluggish and like Katt Williams says, she'll put that "fuck it" in your system.  And i know even more people that smoked their way to being 24 with no job, no college credits, and no motivation to do anything in life but find their next dodie man.  But I just think, that if it is your thing, spending some time with Mary Jane is not as bad as it is sometimes portrayed.

There are just some things that are always better with her.  Movies, food, sex, music.  Sometimes, when the time calls for it, Mary Jane can bring the greatest night out of a night that looked like it was going no where.

Me? I am not a big smoker.  When I smoke, I clean, I have conversations with myself in my head, and I usually always sleep right after.  What a waste of time.  

I like spending my nights with Pat Ron.  He never does me dirty.  Well, as long as I don't spend too much time with him.  He lets me dance the night away and ALWAYS makes the night epic.  I'd take Pat over Mary any day :)


Thursday, January 13, 2011

umm, excuse me but I don't speak SKANK.

Why don't guys realize that if she doesn't look like a skank, dress like a skank, or act like a skank, she MOST LIKELY does not speak skank either?

Men must realize that it is better to approach a girl like a lady, then to approach all women as if they are skankified no matter what. If she indeed is a skank, give her the decency to prove herself a skank before you automatically talk to her like one.

It's very disappointing that guys tend to approach girls and assume that they all speak skank.  It's not attractive and the girls I know will shoot you a death look in .2 of a second.  Why do you think respectable girls go to the club with "FUCK OFF" written all over their forehead?  It's because men have this weird notion to believe that only hoodrats hit the club in cute little dresses. 

I won't play dumb.  Some girls actually play skank.  Sometimes there are girls that play skank so well, it won't matter how you speak to them.  Why must some of us feel the need to degrade ourselves?  Probably because the guy is hot enough where it might just be worth it.  If he is hot, and you might never see him again, why not skank out a little to up your chances of an unregrettable toot and boot that night?

So, I conclude, that IF you are a man, ALWAYS approach a woman as if she is decent, and does not speak skank.  When you find out she does, by all means, take advantage.  Because honestly, those kind of girls deserve to be treated like slews.  IF you are a woman, and you proudly speak skank, let it be known so the dogs can sniff you out quicker.  IF you are a woman, and you DO NOT SPEAK skank, don't associate any other attributes in your swag with skank.  
That way you may be easily identified....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"you look so dumb right now...."

"Standing outside my house..."

Rhianna was not playin.  Sometimes, people don't realize that LOVE..... is a hell of a drug.  Makes you do shit you would never do.  

No matter what anyone says, LOVE makes most people turn all stalker status.  FYI, that isn't very healthy.  If you are doing things out of the ordinary and people are looking at you like you are completely and ridiculously crazy, it is probably because you are.  If you go and bring them coffee at the job that they won't even give you the office number too, then you are stalking.  If you still blow up their phone and you aren't with them anymore, you are stalking.  If you sign into other people's Facebook accounts so you can keep tabs on them or their friends, you are stalking.  

How do people not realize this??  

Yes, there is some sorts of stalking that is randomly accepted by societal norms.  Social Networking is an extreme stalking resource for instance.  Everyone likes to Facebook stalk by habit, it's what Facebook trains you to do and love.  That is only understandable as long as you are simply stalking to kill time AND you are on your own account.  All other times is usually because you are a plain old stalker. Many of you follow people on twitter so you know what people are doing at all times.  That is socially accepted, but if you look at it realistically, you are totally stalking.  I stalk Drake and Nicki Minaj and I am not ashamed because I know I follow them on twitter to know what they are doing.  Not only that but they are famous, everyone wants to stalk them.  If they didn't want me to stalk them, stop telling me what you are doing.  Myspace has lost its appeal to many because you cannot stalk without being caught anymore.  They have now added a "Recent Visitors" page.  Big no, no Myspace.  Thank you Facebook for making it against the Private Policy Terms. 

It is obvious when someone is being a major stalker.  I always find it hilarious when people (usually women), make excuses for guys, claiming some of their stalker-ish ways are "cute" or "romantic".  I bet that it's hella cute and romantic if you like the nigga.  I bet you would NOT be saying it's all cutesie if some random dude showed up at your house in the middle of the night to serenade you with Spanish music.  He would be a stalker.  No doubt about it.

If you are a stalker, who raised you?  If you need tips on how to re-evaluate your life, let me know.
If you are too ashamed to admit it, I would be too.

hurting your pride....

Have you ever stopped to think about all the things that keep you from pursuing or doing certain things?   Most cases, no matter what lie you choose to answer with, the real reason you stop from making certain choices, is your pride.  Everyone is prideful.  Pride gives you confidence and helps you feel good about yourself.  

Females tend to be less fragile with their pride, because for some reason, most of the time they can regain their pride in no time (again, i  am referring to the smarter girls).  Guys on the other hand, have to be all macho macho all the time.  It is slightly aggravating since they demand pride instead of gaining it.  But the problem is, if you take their pride from them.... they act as if they have nothing left .

Completely hilarious if you ask me.  I guess gender makes it hard to understand.  Because every time my pride gets shot down, yes, I am hesitant to try to regain it, yes, i am embarrassed I lost it, but I am determined to get it back.  And I am determined to be just as prideful as I was before I lost it.  I guess that's why most girls are slightly unaware of how awful they look when they can't let a guy go.  They loose their pride over and over again willingly.  And they guy looks at them like they are completely insane because they value pride so much more.

Pride is pointless if it keeps you from doing the things that are most important to you.  
Kill your pride once and a while, and tell me it doesn't make you feel effin amazing. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

rich man or poor man... it's still M.O.B

Money makes the world go 'round.  If you didn't know that yet, give up on yourself completely.
It's impossible not to realize the difference between the rich man and the poor man.

See for men, as long as they have money (the rich man), they pretty much can pull as many bad bitches as they choose.  With or without looks, because money can get the ugliest millionaire a decent looking girl.  Even old guys.  Hugh Heffner is EFFIN 84 years old and he pulled himself a 24 year old playmate (duh, he only dates the girls he hoes out in magazines).  Society has always seen cases like this.  You can tell me she loves him, and I will be considerate enough to believe you.  You cannot sit here and tell me she didn't love his money first.  Honestly? Get the eff outta here with that.

So why do people say money can't buy you love?  Apparently it can.  The man will be in love with his hot girl, and the hot girl will be in love with his money first, and then perhaps him later.

The poor man needs to compensate in his looks for not having a lot of money.  Therefore, he is usually more attractive, younger,  taller,  and is way too good in bed.  These are the only 3 things that can keep a girl from choosing the money over the man.

Is it fair?  Well no.  But everyone knows this from the get-go.  So If it's something both men and women know, then how could you rule it is unfair?  No one is saying that all men need money, because there are A LOT of women out there  who have standards, who are very independent, and who don't need a man to take care of them.  Many girls, got their own, and not all women are gold-diggers.  I am only stating that most women have the "rich man or poor man" thought when they meet a guy.  Then they will check on your looks.  That is how the process of first impression goes for a female.  As for men, of course looks come first, then they will categorize the women he meets into "the bitch or the wifee."

Yes, that is what women get categorized as.  Where do you think "M.O.B" came from?? Money Over Bitches.  If your the bitch, you will definitely not be seeing that money from a rich man.  Well at least not the same type of money he would spend on his wifee material.

Everyone, just play your role.  I mean, choose the right one, and play it.  That way everyone can be happy.
Ladies, you want to be a main-main right??

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I come alive in the night time....

I have officially decided that I do everything better at night.  EVERYTHING.  It's probably because I am overall, a night person.  I study better at night, I work out better at night, I'm always better dressed at night, I eat better at night, and yea, you guessed it.  I smush better at night.  But I must admit, I agree with Drake.  I really do feel like I come alive in the night time.  And not only that, but all the best memories I have are from late nights. I just feel like I belong in the night time.

This is why I am never really opposed to being a weekday bandit.  Meaning, any day of the week, I am down to go out.  With or without work in the morning.  Will I regret it the next day?  No. Never.  Even when I show up to work with last nights make up on, last nights curls (just flattened from bed head), and an extremely large expensive cup of coffee to keep me awake.

It may seem like it isn't worth it, but I haven't come across a time when it hasn't been.  It think it will only be the day I roll into work with a hangover that I might have a different opinion, but until then, I'll rock out with my cock out any day of the week.

ESPECIALLY for Drais at the W hotel in Hollywood.  The only way I can express to you how much I love it, is by saying that it is probably the only club I can say I feel slightly like I am in Vegas every time.

 That's the club where ALL the crazies come out at night.  Crack heads, people on E, girls who didn't realize how tight their outfit was until they were in the bathroom at the club, girls that think wearing tutus to the club is cute even when it's NOT Halloween, boys who wear pants tighter than mine, people with glow sticks, and hair like Pauly D.

But here is the problem, I already can't stand guys at the club (not the ones I came with, duh), and NO, not because I'm a stuck up bitch or anything.  It's just because at the club, guys, ALL OF A SUDDEN, have no manners.  I kid you not, some dudes will just come behind you, and just start humping your ass.  Literally, like a damn dog.  I'm not one of those girls that enjoys dancing with strangers, which is why I AWLAYS stay too occupied with friends to have time for strangers.  But I do get how ridiculously lame it is for single girls to not dance with guys at the club who ask politely.

But at Drais, the girls and I have always come across guys who say the most RANDOM/LAME things ever.  Last night, a guy came up to me and says, "I'm a Libra," then proceeds to turn me around and try to start humping me.  I promise you, he's lucky I didn't turn around and slap him.  It was just too funny that he used that line.  I proceeded to laugh and walk back to the bar because I apparently was not drunk enough.  One of my girlfriends had a guy literally YANK her from the line we formed to walk through the dance floor, and tells her "You have been looking for me all night."  OH REALLY?!? What do you say to things like that?!?  You don't want to seem stuck up, but it is almost as if they are deliberately asking you to laugh at them.  My other girlfriend was fighting with her stilettos  and decided to give them a break.  As she was sitting movin to the music, an older man approached her and offered to buy her a drink. OF COURSE she took the offer.  He proceeded to say he liked her.  He needed to know her. "You seem normal.  I like it." LMFAO.  Normal compared to all the crazies in the club? Yes. He then whispered to me that he would "love to offer her anything she wants... drinks... dinner .... that SNOW WHITE" as he starts to fiddle with his nose.  CREEPER.
Honestly, sometimes people should just not talk.

All in all, very good night.  Not epic, but definitely worth lookin a hot mess this morning.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ladies, SCARCITY creates value...

As most of my thoughts, it all started with a conversation I was having with my dad.  He was talking about how he is currently reading Super Freakonomics and Prostitution came into subject.  Yea, PROSTITUTION as a topic in economics.  
I have never read it, but I think I might just make a trip to the Burbank library today.

He said the book was talking about how prostitution is falling in demand. It says that way back when, prostitution could get a woman making six figures a year. YES, six.  Makes you think twice about your life choices right?

"Its business model is built upon a simple premise.  Since time immemorial and all over the world, men have wanted more sex than they could get for free.  So what inevitably emerges is a supply of women who, for the right price, are willing to satisfy this demand." - Super Freakonomics

SO there is a demand, and the economy provides a supply.  But in sex?  OF COURSE!  Men need the sex, and some women will be willing to supply that need for a good price.  But now in our economy, demand for prostitution is going down..... Do you understand what that means??  Basically, it means that women have lost their DAMN minds.

Demand for prostitution is going down BECAUSE there is enough vagina being given out for free.  Men are over joyed at this moment.  Free vagina? OH YEAH! 

SCARCITY creates value in a product.  If there is enough sex in the world for men to get without paying AT ALL, than there is little or NO value in the product.  In this case, gettin some booty.  Since sex is that easily paid for, or not paid for at all, women have created a loss in value of vagina.

I would have to say that this is due to those dumb girls that give their pussy power away.  The dumb girls that explain their skank-ish habits with explanations like "Guys can do it, so can I" or "I like sex.  What's wrong with that?".  Well hoochies, let me break it down for you as nice as I can.

If there is no value to your vagina, Men will not treat it like it is valuable.  Meaning he will not treat you with value.  Not to mention that if he can get a free coo-ka somewhere else, he will be on his way in NO time.  Ladies always talk about how they want to be like a guy, and not care, and lay the pipe down on all these guys, but the fact of the matter is, PUSSY IS POWER.  And WOMEN have that, not men. 

Good girls are getting screwed because all the HO girls have no value in their stuff.  If you haven't figured it out already girls, men talk to girls to get it in.  Period.  Point blank.  When you meet the right guy, all else will fall in place.  Until then, pussy has no face.  So why give it away for free?

My dad compared it to the Lion chasing the Gazelle.  If the Gazelle turned around and was like "You know what Lion, Imma chase you instead."  You think the Lion would say no?!?

I have a lot of friends that say their stuff is magical and it keeps boys coming back for more.  That is perfectly okay to act like a boy.  But I warn you, just keep your numbers small and make them work for it EVERY TIME.  And please, please, please, keep your shit to yourself.  

I have NOTHING against prostitution or hoeing around.  If that's how your bills get paid, make your money!

I only have a problem with ladies forgetting the value of their good-good.

Just remember.... it's worth at least SIX FIGURES girls....

Goodbye 2010 ...... hello hello, Moment 4 Life

It's over.  Another year gone.  Another year I'll be older.  Another year I can count towards not knowing what I want to do with my life.  Laugh.  I am.  I figure, the more serious I am with my life, the less fun it will become.  I am not unaccomplished, so I do not feel bad at all for being selfish and just wanting to take life as it comes.  Not at all.

Therefore, I have made some self-fulfilling goals for myself.....

ONE: Learn Spanish fluently by March
TWO: Weigh 115 at the most by April   
THREE: Travel to 3 new places
FOUR: Start a book club (1 to 2 books a month)
FIVE: Start or organize thoughts in opening a business
SIX: Start a savings account
SEVEN: Run 3 times a week
EIGHT: Blog at least 5 times a week
NINE: Finish using the film recorded by me and my partner in crime
TEN: Find my niche

2011, bring it on.  It's going to be epic, and I encourage all to come with me :)

"in this very moment I'm KING, in this very moment I slayed Goliath with a sling...."