Friday, March 25, 2011

preggo? oh helllll no......

Babies are beautiful.  
They are probably THE ONLY THING IN THIS WORLD, that can make you consider actually going through the 9 month process.

I have had many pregnant friends.  One recently, let me visit her in the hospital as she was pushing her way to 10 centimeters.
That was life changing.  Scary as hell.

I have never been so scared of something in my life.  I honestly believe that if I got pregnant, I would cry my way through nine months, and then wave a white flag when I reached labor.

I am not saying it is something I CAN'T do, because there is nothing I can't do.  I am merely stating that it is officially on my list of "No Thanks."

I love my nieces and nephews and I am honestly THE BEST auntie.
And if I HAD to be a mother, I would be amazing at that.

Now will that be something I put on my list of "To Do's"??


Maybe when I find someone that will love me through being pregnant and having my vagina spit out something that's 6 pounds or more, then i MIGHT reconsider THINKING about having a cute mini me.


They are fun to look at, and feed, and teach bad things too.

But, I will say, they are the best when they are asleep.  No worries, just sleep.
Oh what I would give for a night of sleep like that one....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Change the Record......

How cute is this song?!?


I believe she is talking about a boy.
Being that the song is so upbeat and happy, it's nice to hear something quite different from the rest.
We all love Beyonce's "Irreplaceable."  It's empowering and is kinda like a "HA! In your face!" But, it still is sort of a bitter bitch kind of attitude.
Melanie Fiona played this song off as "Oh well, ON TO THE NEXT!"  My kinda girl.  Not only that, but this song is easily related to any kind of troubles in life. 

If shit isn't working out, change the effin record.....


Thursday, March 17, 2011

is consistency in the bedroom gonna keep them happy?

Well first things first, consistency is a DEFINITE must in the bedroom.  Staying consistent with the sex in a relationship is a prime factor in keeping everyone happy.
Because face it, the sex is what makes sure you come home every night.  
Of course you love him or her, but after a long night with too many drinks and strangers, just knowing that the person you love is in bed waiting for you, makes you get home just a little faster.... makes that smile stretch across your face..... makes you remember why you love them so much.

So YES, staying consistent in the bedroom is a M U S T.  It is a requirement and both parties must play a role in keeping that bedroom action consistent.  I only warn you that it should be a priority of both people because honestly, men forget to realize how much women enjoy sex.  Of course they do not obtain such things as a "second head" to think with, but sex is a very important factor in a girl's life.

Girls need it. Want it.  Gotta have it.  No matter what.  Just like boys.  The only difference is, we sprinkle a tad bit of emotion on that WHEN WE WANT TO.  Do not be mistaken and think that we do this all the time, because your dick needs to be magical for that.

But yes, consistency should keep your partner happy..... as long as you put into the sex what you want out of it.  If you are not "fun" in bed, and aren't willing to try new things, chances are, your partner will find someone else who is as consistent, but less resistant.  

And we all must consider a very important factor...
The whole concept of consistency keeping you all jolly and shit, is slightly different from gender to gender. 

For a girl, consistency in the bedroom is good enough to keep her content when she sprinkles her emotions in the mix.  And she will definitely sprinkle some of that in if you are worth it.  For better understanding, consider how women can compare sex to shoes.  Her favorite pair of shoes will always hold value, always look good, feel good, and will be something she will put work into to make sure she can keep and wear them forever.
For a boy, consistency will be good enough to keep him content..... for a while.  Not because he doesn't love you, but boys just have a shorter attention span.  Therefore  you must remember, girls are cars.  So consistency will keep him happy if she is the right car and she adds something new often.  New body, new tint, new interior.  Girls just have to put in a extra effort to catch their wandering attention.

Anyone will tell you that a consistent sex life is a happy life.
So if you want to have them coming home to YOU every night, put in work.
That way, the grass won't seem that much greener on the other side.

Thursday, March 10, 2011 pulls....cupcakes? what's with the weird sexual fetishes?

When Rhianna put her S&M video out, I was relieved to see that she touched up on the sexual fetishes of some people.  Not that it has never been touched up on before, but you know, a dose of reality is always nice. 

But technically, a fetish is to be obsessively fixated on either an object or a body part.  So S&M is being obsessed with whips and chains and either using them or getting them used on you.  Okay, that is pretty critical if you ask me.

When you sit and consider all the weird things people try to do during sex, S&M is one of those fetishes that I think isn't AS awkward.  Actually, I think it might just be oddly more tolerable.  All the tying up, the spanking, hair pulling, and crazy outfits are quiet normal in any sex talk I hold with my friends.  DEFINITELY not as excessive as a true person with an S&M fetish, but you know.  These sex talks aren't talks of fetishes to me.  It's just wild sex stories to me.

It's all the other things I find awkward. 
 Like food in the bedroom for instance.  That's weird!  I mean sure, whipped cream maybe (ugh, very ew. Sticky and smells like barf), but other than that, it's simply messy! I mean, aren't you busy doing a lot of other things?  Why would you add food into the mix?  Don't you want to lay down and cuddle after?  LOL, not clean up!
Or how about people with foot fetishes?  Look, I have beautiful feet.  I don't care what anyone says, I know my feet are gorgeous. Is it attractive for someone to tell me they want to suck on my toes? EFF NO.  But if you think my feet are pretty and you kiss them, or you massage them, cool..... Anything other than that.... AWKWARD.
On FB, when I asked people about fetishes, I got all these insane fetishes!  Choking till it's hard to breath.... sex with dead people..... sex with animals..... WTF are people thinking?

Sex is technically supposed to be this special time you share with a special person.  TECHNICALLY.  With the route our society has taken, some people even have a fetish of one night stands, so I am guessing all the "special" is thrown directly out the window.  I guess as long as you play it safe, and no one gets hurt in the process... more power to you.  Work that fetish till you can't no more! 

 I just hope one day that "making love" (like the intense, passionate, head over heels, once in a life time, kind of making love) will make it to the category of fetishes.  It just might make it to the top f the list for many I know. 

 I just find it so weird that simple things like  slightly choking, hair pulling, sexy outfits, and blindfolds with handcuffs are considered fetishes.  I mean honestly, I know WAY to many people that make this stuff a USUAL.  

So.... either all my friends are freaks.... or..... 

Yea, all my friends are freaks.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

lessons will be learned.....

As I was watching my absolute fav old show, Sex In The City, Ms. Bradshaw asked a very interesting question.  She asked:

"Why is it that women always have to find a lesson when bad things happen?"  
She, of course, was referring to a break up between her and Burger, but you can honestly relate that question to any matter in a girl's life.
Why do women always assume a lesson is to be learned?  Why does it not suffice that MAYBE, things just didn't work out?

LOL.  I am not being insensitive, because I am one of them.  I am always looking for the lessons God is trying to teach me in the event of a bad outcome.  Whenever something bad happens or things don't work out how I would have liked them to, I figure that it is God's way of saying "Rose, pay attention."  So I try to.  I re-evaluate the steps I had taken, and which paths I took to get to where I am at.  And usually where I am at, is an abyss of emotions.  

Yes, it must be a woman thing.  Because guys can honestly be bummed for a couple days and then get moving just as quick as the downfall occurred.  Women choose to reminisce in their pain as long as possible.  Why? Oh emm gee, someone please tell me.

So, I have realized that emotional pain is an option.  You can CHOOSE whether or not to act upon them.  From this day on, I am opting out of that.  I have said before that I will no longer have feelings, and I think I am starting to believe myself more and more everyday.  And NO, I am not just talking about relationship issues.  I am not some scornful ex-girlfriend. 

 I am simply implying that  life's bitchy ways are not going to make me stumble anymore. 
I will dance in the rain when it ruins my day plans, laugh at the bills accumulating on my dresser, eat an extra chocolate bar when I feel fat, and kiss the ex boyfriend on the forehead for every tear I should cry. 

Hey Feelings! Deuces....