Tuesday, June 7, 2011

a struggling writer ....

As apparent as it is, I have been taking quite a few hiatuses these last few months.  
I guess that can be blamed on both my writer's block, and my lack of dedication.  
Sometimes, being someone with a vagina, has it's fall backs.  It's called emotion and stress. LOL.

Those very two little monsters kind of swallowed me whole and was apparently mistaken for weakness.  Instead, I would like to clarify.

My absence in writing my blogs was due to my failure to remember that no matter what comes along, emotions, stress, problems, life in general.... all that is coming and going all the time.  So you are either with it, or left behind.  I personally, just took a nap, and tried to sleep through the mess.  Consequently, that took major affect on my writing.

I am here to say, with much time off, I am back bitches.

"Truth is like the sun.  You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." -Elvis Presley