happy halloween bitches.
First of all, I want to give a special shout out to all my ratchets out there. Today is basically a day dedicated to you getting to be yourself in public without the extra concerned stares. All you have to do is add a tail and some ears, or wings, and you can wear the same damn dress/large shirt you wore to the club last night!
So happy HOE-lloween to all my favorite ratchets....
You know who you are ;)
I would like to pretend I had never been ratchet on Halloween.... I mean this year, I swore Alice could wear a bodysuit and still be classy.... But really? Disney characters in itty bitty clothing? My Mad Hatter was a girl that wore a tu-tu and booty shirts. I disappoint myself sometimes, lol.
BUT, I will say I BOUGHT my ratchetness for the year with this costume. That is as slutty and skanky as I could get, and will get all year long. It is only this holiday that I allow myself to "under" dress, but I sure can't say that this is a certified standard for all of the girls I know.
Now, WHY ON EARTH has this holiday suddenly been a free pass for bitches to get ratchet? I have no idea. This has become the holiday that girls get skinny for. Besides summer, this is when most of us girls put in months of work to wear that much less.
We have officially turned this child's holiday into a SLUTFEST. It has been statistically said that now there is a greater percentage of ADULTS that dress up and participate in Halloween, then their are children who dress and trick-or-treat? As the years have been passing since my childhood, there have been less and less trick-or-treaters?.... Are we stealing this holiday from the youth in order to get drunk and slutty.... that is priceless, LOL.
And someone please explain to me why there are slutty version's of every costume?
Well that's because they SELL. I understand some of them.... But not all.... No girl wants to be too covered up for this ratchet event, but we have officially stooped as low as we can go. Low enough to make Sesame Street characters in to big fat slors....
It is an embarrassing concept that we have allowed. But I guess at that moment, as long as you can pull it off and be sexy at the same time it's okay? If you buy any of these costumes, your playin yourself. Just so you know.
oooOooooh you RATCHET.