I know everyone is on that "new year, new me bullshit." I do it every single year....
I am going to learn Spanish this year....
I am going to lose 15 pounds....
I am going to read 3 new books this year ....
I am going to save more money ....
blah blah blah blah .....
My little brother even called me out on in when I tried to say that I wanted to eat better, drop soda, get my bikini body on. He laughed hysterically and asked me how long it would last. Dick. I couldn't even blame him, that ass face. He is right.... How long will I keep up with the same goals I set for myself every year?
I mean seriously, I change my diet every January, I download millions of books on my Kindle, I actually use my savings account, and I even bought Rosetta Stone like 3 years ago. The effort is there, but the finish line is just so damn far in the end!
I get like halfway, or do it for half the time, and by summer time, every thing goes out the window. Who fuckin works out in the summer? We drink in the summer. Who reads? There is no more book club! Spanish? Google translate that bitch. Save money? More like Amazon shopping.
I hate the feeling of not completing things, but perhaps subconsciously I don't want these goals as bad as I think? No shut the eff up, I do. I mean really, if they mattered to me that much, I should be able to get this done right?!? I don't want to be a cliche´.... and I don't want to keep making the same goals every year. But I swear I am determined to make something happen this year. I have a whole new path ahead of me (hello, new mom).
Although, I am not trying to redefine myself either. I don't set these goals because I am unhappy with myself in anyway... I guess overall, I just generally want to be a better self every year.
New year, BETTER me.
Yes, exactly, that is what I want. I want to be a better me every year.... and not just for me, but now for baby girl as well. So she knows I could get things done, so she knows i am capable of completing things I say I am going to do.
Every little bit counts.
Water only. Rosetta Stone three times a week. Cook often. Food prep. Baby food prep. New job.
Better me.