Thursday, June 11, 2015


March was such a blur... I didn't realize I ran out of days until I realized I was in  viva las Vegas for my mother in law's birthday the second week of April. Then I blinked and now it's June?!? I know that time flies by, but the last few months have gone by so fast that I'm not even sure it all existed.

Having to be back at work like an adult, doing 8 hour days, having this monster of a baby, trying to cook every night for healthy living and bake with my other daughter, and having my Capstone (35 page research paper) this quarter had made my concept of time COMPLETELY warped... I think everything was about a week ago, including giving birth.  Saying I was swamped these last 10 weeks is an understatement.  I could barely find time to do anything besides work and pull a boob out for baby Q. So by April I moved to bottles. Made me feel like less of a mom for a second, but I'll blame that on the hormones. 
Plus baby Q bit me, so and smiled. It was time.

I had a paper, a book club at work, and was supposed to be learning Spanish.  Not only that but mid May I had to make an emergency trip to Seattle because my grandmother got sick. I was out of work for two weeks, stuck in the hospital waiting room working on my Capstone.  It was a struggle. I made my paper happen because I paid for that class. I had to. I had no choice. Finish and pass, or waste $4k in total. And pass for this class was an exact percent. 84% to be specific.
What. The. Fuck. 
Last I heard, as long as it wasn't an F it was passing?!?

My mom made mom things look so damn easy when I was a little girl. She had 2 kids, and a full time job, and maybe not school, but she had a home she cleaned for everyone and cooked every single meal for three other people. That is no where near the small amount of responsibilities I take on in my family. I luckily have a lot of help. I will say that I think living in Seattle helped her though. Gave her the upper hand in comparison to me. This is because I am more than positive that time goes slower up there. They have an unfair advantage. I kid you not, being up there for a day can make you think you have been there for four. The sun doesn't set until like 9:30 pm in the summer time. That is so much daylight time!

All I know is that I am one class away from my Master's with the hardest class out of the way and passed. That has to count for something. I am now trying to focus on the important things. My kids, my sexy, and my me time.

My kids because they are life.

My sexy because I am determined to kill the game in Vegas.

And me time because I need it.

I don't wan't summer to disappear on me like Spring did. 

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