Wednesday, October 17, 2012

dedicated to the beautiful failures...

As the year comes closer to the end, last minute successes and failures tend to be measured out.  Some of us, when we look at it all, see failures that outshine the success, only because disaster always leaves a hot mess to clean up.

That BITCH life, she likes to throw you in directions that are so unexpected, everything else seems to crumble along with it at that moment.  Like a domino affect.  One bad thing fucks up another,  which starts fuckin up another.  Like that time you woke up late, so you lost your job, and then you got dumped for it. womp womp womp.
It gets to the point where you feel like if you make any sudden move, you will just keep falling deeper in a sinkhole. And then you start to look back and wonder what brought on the failure. 
Shit did you bring it?  What have you done lately?  How is your karma reputation holding up?

The thing that everyone forgets in the midst of it all, is that failure is never a bad sign. Despite that feeling of wanting to punch people in the neck, crash landings are just a way to start over. BIGGER and BETTER. And crash landings do not only refer to love relationships, they refer to all relationships in life..... your relationship with work, your relationship with school, shit even your relationship with yourself!
 You can never have a great success without shit going cray cray first! 
Think about all the shit the Disney characters went through before a success....
Ariel stupidly sold her voice to an octopus witch, only to be a mute, grow legs, and loose her man to some slew
Pinocchio ignored his conscious, got enslaved by a puppet show, got turned into a donkey, and got swallowed by a whale
Bell invaded private property and had to be a slave to a bitchy beast 
Snow White ate an apple from a stranger, a creepy ass stranger, and everyone thought she was dead, and
Simba trusted the wrong person, lost his dad, and then was blamed for it
ALL epic fails.

Failure can be caused by your actions, or your lack of action.
BUT in the end, look back at it, or look at it right now, and realize that any failure should be seen more of as a detour instead of a dead end. Especially when you know that you ran into failure, but you didn't just let that hoe stroll in.  
 It's not an option, it's a test.  
And bro if you didn't study hard enough or retain that necessary instinct to pass without studying, you will fail.  
So are you going to keep the fail and see it outshine your success, or are you going to man up and opt for a redo?  Or how about asking for extra credit and earning a success by going a different route?  Either one will build you up, not bring you any further down.

Worst part of the failures as you look back?
All those stupid sayings that people tell you when disaster strikes.
"when life gives you lemons, make lemonade"
"when one door shuts, another one opens"
"remember, someone else always has it worse"
"it's not the end of the world"
"you can do better"
blah, blah, blah.... I don't have lemons bitch, I hate doors, and who cares about everyone else?!? Shut your mouth.

Yes of course it is in good intentions, but  NONE of that shit is what you want to hear when you feel yourself failing, or when you look back and haven't learned from it yet.

well my darlings, here is the real people shit you need to do....
Assess and correct your failure:
Realize you can't go back in time, and accept it.. or in my cousins words "Fuck It Shit Happens"
And then make moves to correct it, Re fuckin Evaluate yourself!

They say that most success is achieved that one step after failure, so keep it pushin!
Nothing comes easy, so work through it or be a true failure and don't learn from it.
Failure is beautiful because it leads to success.
 Oprah says it best.

So, to all my failures of the year, and all the ones soon to come, I say:Queen me bitch.

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