Friday, February 25, 2011

girls, always look your best.....

The other day, on the radio, Ryan Seacrest was discussing how he hates that women take so long to get ready.   And honestly, I agree.  Think what you want, but I HATE when my girls take too long to get ready and I KNOW I do not take long at all.  I do my make-up in 10ish minutes, hair in 20.  The rest doesn't even matter to me, I just throw on whatever works.... or whatever I think works.

But here is the point.  Women are encouraged to always be dressed as best as the situation requires.  And if that takes a while, men should be ecstatic that their woman is actually trying.  The only person that woman is trying to look good for is you.  Men need to OWN that shit.  All the make-up, the red lipstick, nails done, hair done, everything did... Dude that is for YOU.  Beauty is pain.  I am sure if women never had to wax, pluck, shave, tan, or iron ever again, they probably would be hella glad to retire.

And I love that men try to say cute things like "I like a girl just in sweat pants, no make-up on" or "you don't have to dress nice for me, you are beautiful in everything you wear".  It is super duper nice and it would be even more nice, if it had some validity.  Because say what you want,  but it is hilarious how guys can say that, but it's only the days you DON'T do your hair, or DON'T put on make-up that they notice your appearance.  It's on those days they ask "oh, are you sick today?" or "were you in a hurry to get out the house?"

Like the other day, I walked into work wearing jeans, a white top, a blazer, and I put full make-up on (aka, I was wearing the make-up from the night prior, but it was still BANGIN).  The only thing I did not have time to do was do my hair.  So I had pulled it into a very stylish pony tail.  My natural curls/waves gave it some volume and flavor.  I was definitely okay with my appearance.  Yet, two of the male attorneys asked me if I was sick.  WTF?!?  I was like "Um....I haven't coughed or sneezed... Why would I be sick?"  Both answered that I "looked" sick.  Next, my dad walks in.  He starts telling me what is on the agenda for the day and in the middle pauses and says "Damn, did you even try to look decent for work today?  You just through on whatever?"

BAHAHAHAHAHA...... look, I know girls are gorgeous without all the extras, but admit it.  If your girl is not up to par, you notice right away.  You see if she didn't paint her nails, or if her hair is not straight like you like it, or if she wore chucks instead of heels.  So just face the facts.  It's always nicer when they take the extra time to get it all together.

So stop bitching and moaning.  If you hate waiting, make the women get an earlier start in getting ready.  Or just suck it up and be a man.  She's gonna be lookin be-ay-dee for no one but why-oh-you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

dumb people....

I have decided that I have no respect for dumb people.

Oh  and I totally understand that there are different definitions for dumb.  So of course, who is to say who is dumb and who isn't right?? Well then let us just make it clear that when I refer to "dumb"  it will be based on these definitions....

- You are dumb if you can not hold an adult conversation and you are above 21 years old
- You are dumb if you are incapable of taking control of your life
- You are dumb if you read my blogs and are upset but say it is not you I am talking about
- You are dumb if you judge people before you get to know them
- You are dumb if you have no goals in life
- You are dumb if you cry over a relationship where they aren't crying over you
- You are dumb if don't realize that they all cheat
- You are dumb if you put more time in the relationship than they do
- You are dumb if you send pictures of you privates (cuz THEY SHOW EVERYONE)
- You are dumb if there is PROOF you are insane, but you claim you aren't
- You are dumb if you are a snooper
- You are dumb if you snoop and then you cry about it
- You are dumb if you are the side piece and get upset because your boo isn't spending enough time with you
- You are dumb if you are the side piece in general
- You are dumb if you are inconsiderate

And this is just to name a few.

Honestly, if you are falling in six of these, you probably are what I consider dumb.  Don't feel bad, I have some dumb friends too.  But at least for my friends, I know that they are only dumb at times.  Not in general.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day....

Ugh.  Honestly, don't be so fucking bitter.

Yea, okay , it sucks if you don't have anyone this V-day.  It probably is worse if you don't even have anyone to at least get it in with.  But stop thinking about all the things you DON'T have, and value what you do have today.  WHY OH YOU.  Yes, you, yourself, and you.  

Just because you don't have anyone to share today with, doesn't mean you can't spoil yourself with chocolates, wine, and flowers.  And I am really just talking to the ladies.  Because face it, Valentine's day is a girl holiday.  Guys can definitely do without it.  It's just another day for them to remember.

No but really, don't be bitter if you are single on V-day.  Honestly if you really wanted someone today, you would have that person.  If you are alone, celebrate yourself today.  Because it probably just means no one is good enough for you.

And truthfully, a day should not not define when you should and shouldn't celebrate love.  If you love someone, it should be celebrated daily.

RELAX..... It's just Monday people.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

oh homewrecker, how nice of you to drop by....

Remember I told you how girls are vicious and scandalous, yet no one tends to notice?
I have been hearing the craziest stories about girls with no damn shame lately.  Makes me realize that being a boy might be a ton easier than being a girl.
The topic of home-wreckers came up this week.

Let us analyze the definition of a home-wrecker.  I mean of course it isn't something that is readily admitted, but sometimes there are cases where it's like these dumb girls are ASKING to be put on blast.  How embarrassing is your life?  

Let me help all you women point out a home-wrecker.
If she blabs her mouth away about how long she has been talking to a married man, she's a home-wrecker.  If she was with him for five months but his wife and child only moved out four months ago, she is a home-wrecker.  If he is PIPING that ho down on the bed that his WIFE bought, she is a home-wrecker.  If she is proud to speak about being in a relationship with a married man, she is a home-wrecker.

LOL, honestly, unless you are ALICIA effing KEYS, being a home-wrecker is not the kind of karma I would want on my plate.
ALICIA fu*king KEYS.
And she only has that excuse because that bitch can buy happiness back when karma takes ALL her fairy tale life from her.  I hear all these random stories, and I laugh hysterically at all these ridiculous SLEWS who think they are getting a prize by being with a man who has a wife and kid.  Really bitch?!? Karma says your next! Get a ring and pop out a kid, see how fast he runs from you.

I date a guy that has a child, but I did not date him ANYWHERE near the time his child's mother lived in the house.  That would be home-wrecking.... wrecking the home.... hello?!?  I don't know, I guess to each her own.  If a girl decides to take that role, she is only begging karma to bend her over and pipe her a new asshole.  I hope it's worth it.

Women should have more respect for themselves and each other.  If you are playing another girl dirty, you have horribly failed in life.  Guys almost always follow "guy code" and even with guy strangers.  Girls should take note.

I guess seeing things like this makes me realize that some people are too young minded.

Face it, if you are involved with a baby, you'll wake up pissed on.

Monday, February 7, 2011

decency VS honesty......

I don't know what it was about the first month of this year, but it seems like people just decided they were not gonna act right in their relationships.
They just stopped.

There have been so many break ups, make ups, sorta still datings this month, that I feel like everyone I know is single on the inside.  Is that a good thing or a bad thing, cuz honestly I have no idea what is good and what is bad anymore.  I told you, I just live.

The other night, I took a girl date with my Haddon girls (past co-workers).  And of course, the date led to the major annoyance built from males and their false accusations of how a girls mind thinks.  There are of course general assumptions that do exist, but the problem is, guys don't know those assumptions anymore.  NO, not all girls want to get married and have your damn babies, NO, not all girls get attached cuz you laid pipe down, and NO, not every girl is trying to tie you down.  Guys insist on taking girls for granted by automatically assuming things like this.

Many down to earth, REAL girls, are very realistic and tend to cary a lot more common sense than expected.  In our girl conversation we were discussing how all girls minds insist on an honest relationship.  Yet, there is a sad realization that honesty just doesn't prevail anymore, and so it doesn't suffice.  

HONESTY, to me, is only feasible in a marriage.  It's where you are strictly only in love with one person, you always tell the truth,  you don't sex (in all its definitions) anyone up but that person, and that is completely and morally more than enough for you.  The problem with honesty, is that in our society today, it is too damn hard to find it in anyone.  No matter how honest you believe a person to be, the fact of the matter is, until marriage, no one is really honest.  And with today's divorce rate, it does not look like it exists there either.

So I discussed with the girls how I have concluded that if I am not married, all I am asking for is decency.  
If you don't want to be honest with me, fine.  Until we make that vow, you can do what you please.  But, I do expect and deserve DECENCY.  Be decent enough to be a cheater that does not get caught, be decent enough not catch a disease, and be decent enough to not get pregnant if you are a girl or get any slews pregnant if you are a boy.  Be decent enough to KNOW and RESPECT who the main chick or dude is and who is JUST A SLEW.  Know the difference and treat them the way they are titled.  Be decent enough to not fall in love with a slew, not to not spend money on it, and to not give it any privileges or respect over your main chick or dude.  Your main got there, in that place, for a reason.  

Most importantly, never do anything to RISK LOSING your main.  The slews prowl the night and will always come and go.  Your main main, they will leave when you can't mend their heart anymore..... unless their stupidity overrides the system.

This applies to all genders, because although it sounds like I am just talking about the guys, I already warned you that many assumptions about the minds of a woman have been falsely assumed.

All in all, if you can't be honest, the least you can do is be effing decent.  If that is impossible for you, then seriously, who the eff raised you?!?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

THE BUBBLE: Episode 1......The intro

I have been SLUFFIN on blogging..... 

So to apologize.... 

Here is what my friends and I used to do on our spare time....... don't judge us.

p.s. editing is horrible. so is sound.  lmfao, it was an experimental project. that we did for 3 episodes. yea, eff it.