Monday, February 2, 2015

.....the MAIN dish vs the SIDES......

"If your girl only could only see, how you be callin me, getting fresh with me..."

Lord knows I love my group chat with the girls. We talk about it all.  I mean ALL things are up for discussion... random, current, past, mean, funny, dirty, sexy, secrets, eyebrows, shoes, gym time, significant others, kids (because now they are relevant) and so on.  So easily, the topic of main mains and the other woman came up. Who wins in this main chick, side chick situation? 
First things first... is it extremely hilarious to anyone else that this is not an uncommon battle?!? There are all these cray women out there who are actually battling their positions of being the MAIN or being the SIDE chick.  Obviously (dear lord I am hoping) that none of them comprehend that neither position is a respectable one?!? If you have any self respect as a woman, you should only be ACCEPTING positions as the ONLY WOMAN in his life. That's it. No ands, ifs, buts, maybes, or any other stupid excuse of downgrading yourself to a double team for some dude milking all these cows for free. Wake up heffers.

I mean I know there are certain circumstances that might make you a side chick at first, maybe make it so you are on the path to becoming the only?  Maybe you get trapped in sexual tensions and that defeats any other rational thought in your mind so you become the side for a second .... so perhaps you guys are so in love that you are the side chick, but he is leaving a main for you to become an only woman ..... or maybe you are the fuckin president and you have to stay with your main so that you can stay in office (yea Olivia Pope, I love you but you are a side chick)....or perhaps he is YOUR side dude so who fuckin cares what position you hold or if you "win"? Okay, that shit I can understand at one point or another.  It's the fighting to be winner in this situation that leaves me without words.  
Who would have the audacity to fight to be either of these positions?

How do you get to be a winner if you had to compete for someones love, and not by choice?

    Society and social norms have seriously effed up the image of a healthy relationship.  We are so liberal in our beliefs of what is normal and okay, that we fail to realize that no matter which chick you were going for, neither of them are a winner. You can't compete when it comes to love. It's either there or it's not. And let's not forget, sex is not love.

Winning is defined as accomplishing something. You aren't accomplishing anything by keeping a guy who could not pick you and happily stick with you and only you. Being declared as a winner in the competition of main chick vs. side chick only leaves room for other competitors.  There is no winner. There are just two really dumb girls and a dude that gets to bone them both.


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