Sunday, January 23, 2011

"everything will be okay...."

What an effing statement.

Not that it isn't true, because usually everything always turns out for the better.  But admit it, when things just aren't going the right direction in your life, it is probably the LAST thing you want to hear come out of anyone's mouth.  And although it may be true eventually, it is completely annoying to hear as tears run down your face.  

When life hit the fan for me last week, i sort of wanted to kill everyone that said it to me.  It irked me to keep hearing things that seemed so far fetched.  So why does it seem like it is appropriate?  Think about it, when other people are feeling down, you almost always feel inclined to say it.  My best friend came over in tears yesterday, and the only think I could think of to tell her was "don't worry babe.... everything will be okay." WTF are you thinking Rose.  Just kill yourself, right now, honestly.  

The fact of the matter is, at that moment of despair and hurt, the only thing you can think about, is how life just mind effed you. So no matter how helpful or appropriate it may seem, telling someone that everything will be okay should not come out of your mouth.  Tell them the truth.  Life is a bitch, and she will eff you over just as quickly as the next person in her way.  

I don't mean to sound like a bitter bitch....  because despite all the disappointment in life, I do know that there is always sunshine after the rain.  I just wish that people would stop trying to pretend life is a fairy tale.  Disney movies taught us all to believe that life has happy endings, and that all girls are princesses.  But Disney was more wrong than ever.

Life is a bitch, so you better know how to treat her....

Because once you start treating her right, you'll see things a lot more clear...

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