Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"you look so dumb right now...."

"Standing outside my house..."

Rhianna was not playin.  Sometimes, people don't realize that LOVE..... is a hell of a drug.  Makes you do shit you would never do.  

No matter what anyone says, LOVE makes most people turn all stalker status.  FYI, that isn't very healthy.  If you are doing things out of the ordinary and people are looking at you like you are completely and ridiculously crazy, it is probably because you are.  If you go and bring them coffee at the job that they won't even give you the office number too, then you are stalking.  If you still blow up their phone and you aren't with them anymore, you are stalking.  If you sign into other people's Facebook accounts so you can keep tabs on them or their friends, you are stalking.  

How do people not realize this??  

Yes, there is some sorts of stalking that is randomly accepted by societal norms.  Social Networking is an extreme stalking resource for instance.  Everyone likes to Facebook stalk by habit, it's what Facebook trains you to do and love.  That is only understandable as long as you are simply stalking to kill time AND you are on your own account.  All other times is usually because you are a plain old stalker. Many of you follow people on twitter so you know what people are doing at all times.  That is socially accepted, but if you look at it realistically, you are totally stalking.  I stalk Drake and Nicki Minaj and I am not ashamed because I know I follow them on twitter to know what they are doing.  Not only that but they are famous, everyone wants to stalk them.  If they didn't want me to stalk them, stop telling me what you are doing.  Myspace has lost its appeal to many because you cannot stalk without being caught anymore.  They have now added a "Recent Visitors" page.  Big no, no Myspace.  Thank you Facebook for making it against the Private Policy Terms. 

It is obvious when someone is being a major stalker.  I always find it hilarious when people (usually women), make excuses for guys, claiming some of their stalker-ish ways are "cute" or "romantic".  I bet that it's hella cute and romantic if you like the nigga.  I bet you would NOT be saying it's all cutesie if some random dude showed up at your house in the middle of the night to serenade you with Spanish music.  He would be a stalker.  No doubt about it.

If you are a stalker, who raised you?  If you need tips on how to re-evaluate your life, let me know.
If you are too ashamed to admit it, I would be too.

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