Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ladies, SCARCITY creates value...

As most of my thoughts, it all started with a conversation I was having with my dad.  He was talking about how he is currently reading Super Freakonomics and Prostitution came into subject.  Yea, PROSTITUTION as a topic in economics.  
I have never read it, but I think I might just make a trip to the Burbank library today.

He said the book was talking about how prostitution is falling in demand. It says that way back when, prostitution could get a woman making six figures a year. YES, six.  Makes you think twice about your life choices right?

"Its business model is built upon a simple premise.  Since time immemorial and all over the world, men have wanted more sex than they could get for free.  So what inevitably emerges is a supply of women who, for the right price, are willing to satisfy this demand." - Super Freakonomics

SO there is a demand, and the economy provides a supply.  But in sex?  OF COURSE!  Men need the sex, and some women will be willing to supply that need for a good price.  But now in our economy, demand for prostitution is going down..... Do you understand what that means??  Basically, it means that women have lost their DAMN minds.

Demand for prostitution is going down BECAUSE there is enough vagina being given out for free.  Men are over joyed at this moment.  Free vagina? OH YEAH! 

SCARCITY creates value in a product.  If there is enough sex in the world for men to get without paying AT ALL, than there is little or NO value in the product.  In this case, gettin some booty.  Since sex is that easily paid for, or not paid for at all, women have created a loss in value of vagina.

I would have to say that this is due to those dumb girls that give their pussy power away.  The dumb girls that explain their skank-ish habits with explanations like "Guys can do it, so can I" or "I like sex.  What's wrong with that?".  Well hoochies, let me break it down for you as nice as I can.

If there is no value to your vagina, Men will not treat it like it is valuable.  Meaning he will not treat you with value.  Not to mention that if he can get a free coo-ka somewhere else, he will be on his way in NO time.  Ladies always talk about how they want to be like a guy, and not care, and lay the pipe down on all these guys, but the fact of the matter is, PUSSY IS POWER.  And WOMEN have that, not men. 

Good girls are getting screwed because all the HO girls have no value in their stuff.  If you haven't figured it out already girls, men talk to girls to get it in.  Period.  Point blank.  When you meet the right guy, all else will fall in place.  Until then, pussy has no face.  So why give it away for free?

My dad compared it to the Lion chasing the Gazelle.  If the Gazelle turned around and was like "You know what Lion, Imma chase you instead."  You think the Lion would say no?!?

I have a lot of friends that say their stuff is magical and it keeps boys coming back for more.  That is perfectly okay to act like a boy.  But I warn you, just keep your numbers small and make them work for it EVERY TIME.  And please, please, please, keep your shit to yourself.  

I have NOTHING against prostitution or hoeing around.  If that's how your bills get paid, make your money!

I only have a problem with ladies forgetting the value of their good-good.

Just remember.... it's worth at least SIX FIGURES girls....

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